Q-Learning is a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm to learn the value of actions in a state-action space.
# Q-Learning Algorithm Example in Python
import numpy as np
def q_learning(env, num_episodes, learning_rate, gamma, epsilon):
Q = np.zeros([env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n])
for i in range(num_episodes):
state = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
action = np.argmax(Q[state, :] + np.random.randn(1, env.action_space.n) * (1.0 / (i + 1)))
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
Q[state, action] = Q[state, action] + learning_rate * (reward + gamma * np.max(Q[next_state, :]) - Q[state, action])
state = next_state
return Q
DQN combines Q-Learning with deep learning by using a neural network to approximate the Q-values for reinforcement learning problems.
# DQN Example Pseudocode
initialize replay memory and Q-network
for each episode:
initialize state
for each step:
choose action using epsilon-greedy policy
perform action, get next state and reward
store transition in replay memory
sample random batch from replay memory
perform gradient descent on the batch
PPO is a policy gradient method that provides a balance between sample efficiency and ease of implementation for reinforcement learning tasks.
# PPO Pseudocode
initialize actor and critic networks
for each episode:
for each timestep in the environment:
collect states, actions, and rewards
calculate advantage estimates using the critic
update the actor network using policy gradient
update the critic network using value loss
DDPG is an actor-critic method used for continuous action spaces, employing deterministic policies and Q-learning.
# DDPG Algorithm Pseudocode
initialize actor and critic networks
initialize replay buffer
for each episode:
for each step:
select action with noise for exploration
store transition in replay buffer
sample random batch from buffer
update actor and critic networks using gradient descent
SLAM is the process by which a robot constructs a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of its location.
# SLAM - General Workflow
1. Sense the environment using sensors (e.g., LIDAR, Camera)
2. Perform scan matching or feature detection
3. Use algorithms like EKF or Particle Filter to localize
4. Update the map with the new observations
RRT is a path planning algorithm designed for efficiently navigating robots through high-dimensional spaces.
# RRT Algorithm Pseudocode
initialize tree with starting position
for each iteration:
sample random point in the space
find nearest node in the tree to the point
steer towards the point
if the path is valid, add it to the tree
Genetic algorithms simulate the process of natural selection to generate solutions to optimization and search problems.
# Genetic Algorithm Pseudocode
initialize population with random solutions
for each generation:
evaluate fitness of population
select parents based on fitness
crossover parents to create new offspring
mutate offspring randomly
replace the least fit solutions with new offspring
Dissecting Robotics - historical overview and future perspectives
Open-Source and Widely Disseminated Robot Hardware From the Guest Editors
An Integrated Navigation and Motion Control System for Autonomous Multisensory Mobile Robots
Social Robots: Challenges for Machine Intelligence (Extended)
A Decisional Framework for Autonomous Robots Interacting with Humans
SHARY: A Supervision System Adapted to Human-Robot Interaction
PRS: A High-Level Supervision and Control Language for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Bringing Together Human and Robotic Environment Representations - A Pilot Study
Supervision and Motion Planning for a Mobile Manipulator Interacting with Humans
Une Architecture Décisionnelle pour l'Interaction Homme-Robot
A Study of Interaction Between Dialog and Decision for Human-Robot Collaborative Task Achievement
SHARY: A Supervision System Adapted to Human-Robot Interaction (Alternative)
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"Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control" by John J. Craig.
: Steven M. LaValleOverview
: This book is a seminal work that covers planning algorithms for robotics. It discusses motion planning, discrete planning, planning under uncertainty, and various algorithms essential for navigation and path planning.Key Topics
: Motion planning, probabilistic roadmaps, rapidly-exploring random trees (RRT), computational geometry.Impact
: Key reference for planning techniques in robotics, often cited in research.Authors
: Roland Siegwart, Illah R. Nourbakhsh, Davide ScaramuzzaOverview
: This book provides a solid foundation for understanding the concepts behind autonomous robots. It covers topics ranging from kinematics and perception to localization, mapping, and navigation.Key Topics
: Mobile robot kinematics, perception systems, SLAM, autonomous navigation.Impact
: Widely used as a textbook in robotic courses, a key resource for understanding mobile robotics.Authors
: Tuomas Haarnoja, Aurick Zhou, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey LevineOverview
: This paper introduces soft actor-critic (SAC) methods for robotic manipulation tasks using deep reinforcement learning. It shows how policy learning can be done efficiently using asynchronous off-policy updates.Key Topics
: Deep reinforcement learning, robotic manipulation, policy learning, soft actor-critic (SAC).Impact
: Influential in the field of deep reinforcement learning for robots, especially for manipulation tasks.Authors
: Paul Viola, Michael JonesOverview
: This paper presents the Viola-Jones algorithm for face detection, which is widely used in robotics for real-time object and face detection.Key Topics
: Computer vision, object detection, real-time processing, Haar-like features.Impact
: A foundational method in computer vision, often implemented in robotics for visual processing.Authors
: Katrakazas, Charalambous, Quddus, and DekaOverview
: This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the algorithms and methodologies used for motion planning and control in autonomous driving.Key Topics
: Autonomous driving, motion planning, control systems, decision-making.Impact
: A key reference for research on autonomous vehicles and urban mobility.Authors
: Montemerlo, Thrun, Koller, WegbreitOverview
: This paper introduces the FastSLAM algorithm, which is a particle filter-based method for solving the SLAM problem in robotics, particularly useful in environments with high uncertainty.Key Topics
: SLAM, particle filters, robotics navigation, mapping.Impact
: Highly influential in the development of efficient SLAM techniques.Authors
: David B. Panerati, Liam Paul, Arash Rahmani, Angela SchoelligOverview
: This paper focuses on Model Predictive Control (MPC) for fast and agile quadrotor maneuvers. It presents a method for optimizing flight paths using predictive control.Key Topics
: Model Predictive Control, quadrotor flight, path optimization, control systems.Impact
: Influential in aerial robotics, particularly for drones and UAVs.